We offer access to various conference, trainings, practical webinars and other development opportunities to all booksellers. In addition, we support booksellers – who are members of one of the network organisations – to attend international sector events.
Apply by 19 November 2024 to get a chance to attend the 20th edition of the annual Winter Institute in Denver, CO, USA, on 23-26 February 2025.
We enable booksellers, who are members of one of the network organisations, to attend international sector events. They will join their colleagues and participate in a dedicated programme, developed in partnership with the event organisers.
We help booksellers of all kinds to participate in international training and networking opportunities.
If you would like to attend a specific event select the option for sponsored attendance in one of the event application forms below.
Discover past RISE events, from international conferences to digital events:
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RISE Bookselling is a network programme organized by the European and International Booksellers Federation (EIBF) and co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union.
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