Join the RISE

Booksellers Exchange

Connect with your peers

Connect with peers and industry experts around the world. Share your experiences and explore new initiatives within the industry.

Exchanges will be tailored to cover a range of topics:

  • Promoting translated literature in bookshops
  • Bridging the gap between culture and profitability within the bookshop
  • Sustainability and green transition
  • Supporting inclusive community growth

Following your successful application, you will be granted a 3-day stay in a bookshop abroad. You will work at a foreign colleague’s shop and learn the practicalities of the book trade in your host country.

In 2024, the exchange programme will be coordinated in one round:

Applications open
on 28 February 2024
Applications deadline:
31 March 2024, 23:59 (UTC+1)
All exchanges are expected to take place before the end of September 2024.

How to apply

The fifth application round for the Booksellers Exchange Programme will open on 28 February 2024. All interested booksellers will be able to apply by downloading and completing the application form and sending it to no later than on 31 March 2024. 


Selection criteria

The selection criteria are overseen by our network advisory committee. To fulfill the criteria you need to:

• Be a member of national BA, part of the RISE network, or EIBF member
• Send us a filled out application form including a convincing cover letter based on your personal motivation and the goals and objectives described below. The letter should express your overall motivation, the relevance of the exchange to your current experience and the benefit you can bring to the hosting bookshop

• Speak English well, or be fluent in a language spoken in a country where the exchange takes place
• Commit to provide the RISE coordinator with a report on activities
• Be willing to participate in promotional activities afterwards

All applications that comply with the criteria will be assessed for the participation. The advisory committee will pay particular attention to the motivation letters of the applicants.

Where possible, the network selection committee will strive to ensure there is a balanced representation in terms of sex/gender, geography, race, etc., when reviewing the applications for the Booksellers Exchange Programme. The committee will ensure no one will be discriminated on any grounds in the selection process.


Why a booksellers exchange programme?

Years of experience and work in the field have shown that exchanging knowledge, feedback and best practices across national, cultural and linguistic borders is the most efficient way in which European bookshops can learn from one another, innovate and grow.

The RISE Booksellers Exchange programme aims at implementing a thematic exchange of bookselling sector professionals to help them understand how their colleagues and industry experts are taking up new opportunities and dealing with challenges in their respective countries, thus creating a wider international network within the sector.

Through the course of a few days spent together, participants from different regions and countries will be able to learn about national trade specificities and how their counterparts handle their daily business on the ground. Local know-how, tips and tricks, contained so far within national borders, can now be exported and replicated in one’s home country.

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RISE Bookselling is a network programme organized by the European and International Booksellers Federation (EIBF) and co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union.

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