About RISE Bookselling
‘Resilience, Innovation and Sustainability for the Enhancement of Bookselling’
Our mission
Upscaling, reinforcing and maximising the capacity and resilience of the European bookselling sector. By participating in trainings and events booksellers and bookselling professionals will be able to acquire skills, tools and resources to ensure they are properly equipped to support the ongoing transformation of the bookselling sector.
Who can participate in
RISE activities?
Activities are dedicated to booksellers and professionals working in our sector. All of our activities are open to network members and their members.

Why join RISE Bookselling activities?
Obtain sector-specific training in various areas, from sustainable practices to building diverse and inclusive bookshop communities
Participate in bookselling exchanges and international conferences
Support research and advocacy initiatives to the benefit of the whole bookselling sector

How to take part
We’re helping bookshops innovate and stay up to date with the latest trends and technologies to ensure their long-term success
Thematic webinars and trainings
Develop your skills in different areas, such as sustainability and diversity in our sector
Booksellers Exchange Programme
Host and visit bookseller colleagues from all over the world
RISE Bookselling Conference
Sign up to updates and book your slot
Support advocacy outreach campaigns
Highlighting the importance of the book sector with stakeholders at local and regional level
International trade events
Frankfurt Book Fair, Rencontres nationales de la librairie or Bologna Book Fair
Industry Insight reports
Download and read free whitepapers

Advisory committees
Three RISE Bookselling Advisory Committees help coordinate and implement specific activities. They are:
• Advisory committee on networking
• Advisory committee on training and events
• Advisory committee on sector representation
The committees are formed by 3-5 members, including representatives from EIBF’s board, representatives from network members, booksellers and members of the RISE project team.
Our network members and partners
AUSTRALIA: Australian Booksellers Association
BELGIUM: EIBF | Ici sont les lions
BULGARIA: Асоциация Българска книга
CANADA: Canadian Independent Booksellers Association - CIBA | Nooroongji Books
FINLAND: Kirjakauppaliitto
FRANCE: Association des Librairies Informatisées & utilisatrices de Réseaux Electroniques – ALIRE | Syndicat de la Librairie Française – SLF | Syndicat des Distributeurs de Loisirs Culturels – SDLC | Shakespeare and Company
GERMANY: Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels
GUATEMALA: Sophos Librería
IRELAND: Bookselling Ireland
ITALY: Italian Booksellers Association - ALI | Hoepli International Bookstore
LATVIA: Latvijas Grāmattirgotāju asociācija | Grāmatnīcas Jānis Roze
LUXEMBOURG: Fédération luxembourgeoise des Libraires | Librairie Ernster
NETHERLANDS: Koninklijke Boekverkopersbond – KbB
NEW ZEALAND: Booksellers Aotearoa New Zealand
NORWAY: Den norske Bokhandlerforeningen
PORTUGAL: Associação Portuguesa de Editores e Livreiros – APEL | Rede de Livrarias Independentes – RELI
ROMANIA: Cărturești | Librăria La Două Bufniţe
SLOVAKIA: Združenie vydavateľov a kníhkupcov Slovenskej republiky – ZVKS
SRI LANKA: Ceylon Booksellers Importers and Exporters Association
SPAIN: Confederación Española de Gremios y Asociaciones de Libreros – CEGAL
SWEDEN: Svenska Bokhandlareföreningen
SWITZERLAND: Schweizer Buchhandels- und Verlags- Verband – SBVV
UNITED KINGDOM: The Booksellers Association of the UK and Ireland | Gardners | Nielsen Book
UNITED STATES: American Booksellers Association – ABA |
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EIBF and Creative Europe
EIBF is a non-commercial European and international umbrella organisation representing national booksellers associations and booksellers around the world. Through its member associations, EIBF speaks on behalf of more than 25.000 individual booksellers.

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RISE Bookselling is a network programme organized by the European and International Booksellers Federation (EIBF) and co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union.
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