Booksellers Association Conference 2024 in Hinckley, UK


The 2024 BA Conference and Gardners Trade Show will take place on 22 and 23 September 2024 in Hinckley, UK. The 2-day event, organised by the Booksellers Association of the UK and Ireland, will once again gather booksellers and book trade professionals from all over the UK, Ireland, and beyond for a packed programme of business sessions, publisher highlights, social events and networking.

This year's highlights include keynote presentation on StoryBranding by Matt Banker, founder of ‘Banker Creative’ and ‘Benchmark Growth Marketing’; panel discussion with Carolynn Bain (Afrori, Brighton) and DJ Johnson (Baldwin Bookstore, New Orleans, USA), or skills labs on balancing business success and wellbeing or running successful book clubs.

The current programme of the conference is available here.


When and where will the event take place?

The event will take place at the Leonardo Hotel in Hinckley, UK.

Successful applicants will be expected to arrive on Sunday, 22 September 2024, with their stay concluding in the morning on 24 October.

More information and how to apply

Through the RISE Bookselling programme, we help booksellers of all kinds to participate in international training and networking opportunities. We enable booksellers, who are members of one of the network organisations, to join their colleagues and participate in a dedicated programme, developed in partnership with the event organisers.

Following a successful application, applicants will be offered a place to participate in selected international sector event. Following the event, participants will have to provide an overview of activities report to the coordinator. They will also be expected to participate in RISE promotional opportunities following the event, which can include, among others, sharing quotes, blog posts and multimedia from the event on RISE website and social media channels, as well as providing feedback on the event.

Through this agreement, the coordinator will cover travel costs for the participants between their home and event location, and accommodation costs for the duration of the programme. 

The deadline to apply is 12 August 2024, 23:59 CEST.


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RISE Bookselling is a network programme organized by the European and International Booksellers Federation (EIBF) and co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union.

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