What is this call to action about?
What do we aim to achieve?
Highlight the unique value that bookshops bring to the high street
Raise awareness about the current challenges and problems faced by retailers working in town centres and high streets across Europe
Bring forward practical and concrete support measures that support retailers and other businesses, and contribute to a dynamic, healthy and revitalised high street for the years to come
Read our latest report highlighting the role bookshops will play in ensuring that high-streets stay relevant and thrive in the years to come
Follow our social media channels to learn more about each call to action. Help us raise awareness by sharing our communications content: infographics and examples from booksellers working on the high street and book-sector professionals. Spread the word and get involved using the hashtag #BookShopLocally and don’t forget to support your local businesses!
Resilience, Innovation and Sustainability for the Enhancement of Bookselling’ (RISE Bookselling), is a three-year EU co-funded programme run by the European and International Booksellers Federation (EIBF) for its network members, aimed at upscaling, reinforcing and maximising the capacity and resilience of the European bookselling sector.
The European and International Booksellers Federation (EIBF) is a non-commercial European and international umbrella organisation representing national booksellers associations and booksellers across Europe and worldwide. Our mission is to represent our members and their interests on a global platform, as well as to provide a forum for cooperation and foster the exchange of best practices.
Creative Europe is an EU programme that supports a wide range of cultural and creative sectors, encouraging cooperation and exchanges among cultural organisations and artists within Europe and beyond.
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RISE Bookselling is a network programme organized by the European and International Booksellers Federation (EIBF) and co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union.
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