RISE Webinar series September 2022


Through our webinar series, we aim to help bookshops stay up to date with the latest trends in the bookselling sector to ensure their long-term success. We want to provide you with good practices and resources and with a space to exchange ideas with other booksellers. See what we have in store for you this September.

Please note that all webinars will be recorded and made available for later listening.


September 2022

Selling children's books: How to do it differently?

12 September 2022, 15:00 (CEST)
Register here!

Speakers: Gráinne O’Brien, children's buyer for O'Mahony's booksellers, Ireland, and Zaida Pérez, owner of children bookshop Librería Liberespacio, Spain

Children's book buying can sometimes be an overwhelming task with a market that is only growing bigger, more diverse and more complicated. It is understandable that buyers chose to focus on nostalgic titles they know parents and grandparents will buy, but modern children are disconnecting from these titles, and the focus on nostalgia can damage a child's love of reading if they do not see the world they recognise reflected in the books they are reading. By embracing the future and the past, and encouraging parents and grandparents to think outside of the books they are familiar with, booksellers can ensure the future of their shops and nurture a love of books in the next generation.
After the webinar ends, you are welcome to stay connected, chat with your fellow booksellers about what you've just learned and ask our speakers any questions.

Gráinne O'Brien is a writer and the children's buyer for O'Mahony's booksellers, a role she has proudly held for almost ten years. She passionately believes that the future of booksellers is rooted in how we nurture the love of reading in children by focusing on their future and leaving behind our past. She mentors and guides new writers of fiction for children through her company Rontu Literary Service. Her first book for children will be published by The O'Brien Press in Spring 2023.

Zaida Pérez Gómez is a founder, owner and manager of Liberespacio Bookstore, specializing in children's and youth books since 2010.
Until 2018, she was a Member of the Board of the Booksellers Guild of Madrid, Counselor of the Children's and Youth Book Council within OEPLI.
Until 2018, she was a Member of the Board of CEGAL (Spanish Confederation of Guilds and Associations of Booksellers).
Between 2015 and 2018, she was responsible for the Children's and Youth Commission, coordinator of the Kirico Club, a club of Spanish booksellers for the recommendation and advice on children's and youth literature.
She is a member of the jury of various national and local children's and youth book awards.

Market focus: Nordic countries. Turning digital consumption to your advantage

26 September 2022, 15:00 (CEST) 
Register here!

Speakers: Laura Karlsson, Director of the Finnish Booksellers Association (Kirjakauppaliitto), Finland

Digitalisation of the book sector, and more particularly audiobooks, have taken northern Europe by storm, as evidenced not only by recent years’ sales figures, but also by the growing market share of Storytel, Stockholm-based audiobook and e-book streaming service. While digital sales figures keep growing in Nordic countries, one question arises among booksellers: ‘How to best harness this growing appetite for the digital to attract more customers in the shop?’. Join the webinar to hear how Nordic booksellers have decided to take up the challenge.

Laura Karlsson is the Director of the Finnish Booksellers Association (Kirjakauppaliitto). The Finnish BA acts to improve the business environment of Finnish bookstores and their interests by lobbying and offering information and researches, in cooperation with administrative organizations, decision-makers and other relevant operators in the field. The Association functions to secure the position of Finnish bookstores as a delivery channel for literature, follows the international development in the field and strives to improve the visibility of bookstores in the media. Finnish BA represents about 90 % of Finnish Booksellers in brick-and-mortar, webshops and streaming services.

Second speakers: To be announced


How to attend our webinars

Our webinars are open to anybody who wishes to hear from industry experts, gain new insights, develop new skills and exchange views with fellow booksellers. Click here to register on our Eventbrite page.

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RISE Bookselling is a network programme organized by the European and International Booksellers Federation (EIBF) and co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union.

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