Publications > Industry Insights
Industry Insights
RISE Industry insights is a series of research papers that look into priority topics for the bookselling sector. They give insights into key issues, policy reforms and external initiatives that affect the bookselling sector. In addition, they provide network members with tools to engage with relevant political stakeholders, culture sector professionals and private sector representatives to ensure that their priorities are adequately upheld and supported.
Bookshops and accessibility
Providing an overview of the current legislative framework and upcoming requirements for the book industry
Bookshops, censorship and freedom of expression
Raising awareness of the current state of book cencorship and the violence that bookshops are facing
Culture vouchers
Presenting four case studies across Europe where cultural vouchers have been introduced and are in place
Presenting seven case studies to understand the returns systems across Europe and how this impacts the environment
Book Procurement
Presenting three cases studies outlining the complex topic of Book Procurement Bookselling Industry
Presenting three cases studies of e-commerce platforms dedicated entirely to independent booksellers
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RISE Bookselling is a network programme organized by the European and International Booksellers Federation (EIBF) and co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union.
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